If you are passionate about s subject and want to share with the SBI community, submit your concept to our Programming Crew.

Here are some types of events we host at Starbase Indy:

  • Presentations are a talk (with or without AV support) delivered by one person.
    This person is a subject matter expert of some sort, with education and experience related to the topic.

  • Panels are a discussion with multiple presenters who discuss the topic.

  • Workshops/Demonstrations are a hands-on event where the presenter or presenters
    teach the audience how to do or create something. SBI may offer reimbursement for workshop supplies.

  • Discussions are an opportunity for people who are interested in a topic to come together and talk about it.
    No specific expertise is needed, just a desire to talk with people who are interested in the same topic.

* Subject matter experts are often provided a discounted or complimentary badge at the discretion of our Programming Commander, based on if your panel aligns with the SBI mission.
* Notification of your panel accepted/rejected status as well as badge qualification will be sent no later than
November 5.